Macfrut 2025: debut for the Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
World-class event hosted in Italy for the first time (Rimini Expo Centre, 6-8 May)

Big news at Spices&Herbs Global Expo at Macfrut 2025. The main European exhibition dedicated to spices, medicinal and aromatic herbs will host the International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Mesmap). Promoted by the Association of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the Mediterranean (Amapmed), the Symposium is the world's leading scientific event in Southern Europe with over two thousand participating scholars from around one hundred countries.
Hosted in its latest edition (the tenth) at the University of Istanbul, it is the first time that this event has left the borders of Turkey and the choice of Macfrut confirms the authority that Spices&Herbs Global Expo has been able to gain in the field through the quality of its proposal, in a sector challenge that began four years ago.
“After the last edition in Istanbul, the international organizing committee decided to hold this world-class scientific event abroad,” explains Nazım Şekeroglu of the Association of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the Mediterranean (Amapmed). “Macfrut was chosen for its global attention to these issues through the Spices&Herbs Exhibition. Our international organizing committee has therefore decided to organize the event in Italy for the first time, inviting all academics, scientists, students, growers, producers, representatives of NGOs, importers, exporters, government bodies and all interested parties to participate in the eleventh edition of the International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.”
The theme of the Symposium concerns all aspects of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: from life sciences to social sciences, to other disciplines such as medical sciences, agriculture, forestry, food engineering. The interventions have always been published in the main scientific publications of the sector.
The Symposium is organized by the Association of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the Mediterranean, founded more than ten years ago with the aim of networking non-governmental organizations of different professional groups related to Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, in order to create a common platform and not lose the wealth of knowledge and research of a constantly evolving sector. Among the various initiatives there is precisely this annual international scientific event, conceived as a moment of sharing experiences between scientists, professionals and world-renowned NGOs.
EFA News - European Food Agency