Bayer in Italy Edge certified for gender equality
An achievement that confirms the company's commitment to promoting inclusion in the workplace

Bayer is the first company in Italy operating in the Life Science sector to have obtained the second level of the Edge certification (level II Move of the three foreseen) for Gender Equality. Bayer was subjected to a careful and rigid evaluation - followed by a verification audit - on various aspects which include: the distribution between men and women in all businesses/functions and at all company levels, salary equity, effectiveness of policies and actions developed to promote equitable professional growth. All employees were invited to respond to a survey to evaluate their perception and experience on the topic of including gender equality in the company.
The recognition is a confirmation of the commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion rooted in the history of the company and supports the ambitious objectives that the Group has set itself at a global level: to reach 33% of women in top management and 50% in managerial positions by 2025 aiming to have 50% in top management positions by 2030.
Bayer in Italy contributes to achieving these objectives. Currently, in our country women make up 46% of the corporate population, 47% of managers, 45% of managers and 50% within top management.
“Obtaining the Edge certification is an achievement resulting from a constant commitment aimed at creating an organizational context in which gender equality, inclusion, diversity and integration are values shared by all", comments Monica Poggio, CEO of Bayer SpA "The key to this path, which will continue in the future, is not to think about the worker's gender but to put the person at the center, enhancing their talent, characteristics and skills. The certification process confirms positive elements that characterize us, starting from the policies to guarantee pay equity, and allows us to acquire greater awareness of the areas for improvement on which to focus our energies to guarantee an increasingly inclusive working environment" .
EFA News - European Food Agency