Grana Padano: 2023 market still growing (+4%)
The budget for product promotion rises to 43.3 million euros

At the general assembly of the Protection Consortium, the record of the most consumed PDO in the world was confirmed.
The 2023 indicators available so far confirm Grana Padano Dop as the most consumed product with a protected designation of origin in the world, with an overall market increase projection of close to 4% and even higher for exports. Starting from these data, the result of a promotional effort of over 40 million euros, the General Assembly of the Grana Padano Protection Consortium, held at the Montichiari Exhibition Centre, defined the marketing and strategic plans together with the production plan for 2024.
“The data already available allow us to be satisfied with the market trend, also supported by a positive trend in ex-store prices – said the president of the Protection Consortium Renato Zaghini , opening the proceedings -. But above all they tell us that careful management and a sense of common responsibility among all producers are the obligatory path to follow in order to grow in Italy and abroad, keeping in mind that over 3.5 million pass through the dairies of the Grana Padano supply chain. of tons of milk, also destined for other productions, which make it the main Italian player". The general director of the Consortium, Stefano Berni , summarized the data, which in October saw a growth in consumption in Italy of 1.7% percent, with a share that confirms it as a leader in retail and overall and with growth in ' by over 14% in volume and 22% in value. Consumption abroad, on the other hand, suggests a further increase of 5%, also thanks to a strong boost in grated products.
"The moment is therefore decidedly positive – commented Zaghini – and sees an increase in consumption which confirms the expansion trend”. The continuous growth in exports is important. “Its most evident sign was the conquest of Spain and Sweden – adds Berni – But we are also very proud of having strengthened the constant of our exports, Germany, which alone is worth 25% of exports. The future, however, sends positive signals from the Far East, from a completely different part of the world, where they are starting to yield investments in China and where we find many admirers in Japan, Korea and Vietnam".
The innovative marketing activity introduced by the strategy developed by the consultancy company Kpmg was decisive in obtaining these results, which in 2023 saw the development of the same campaign with the claim "Grana Padano - An Italian emotion" in Italy and on the main markets foreign, with an investment of 43.3 million euros, concentrated in particular on trade and consumer for 40.3 million. And the general assembly approved with 98.36% of the votes the new budget proposed by the Board of Directors, which will increase the investment by three million euros in 2024. On trade and consumer it will therefore rise to 43.3 million, twenty-one of which destined abroad, and bringing investment growth to +40% in five years. The marketing initiatives, entrusted in the choices to the Board of Directors, will be the backbone of the strategic plan of the consortium, approved unanimously, which aims to consolidate the leadership of Grana Padano Dop in Italy and to strengthen its presence abroad also in new markets, to promote product innovation to better satisfy current and prospective consumers, to improve quality to increasingly enhance the brand and to protect the entire supply chain, from the raw material to the finished product. It is fundamental for the Grana Padano system to maintain a strong relationship between production and consumption, according to the logic of the production plan, a tool introduced by the Consortium about twenty years ago.
“If we want to maintain this delicate relationship between what is produced, what the market consumes and the remunerative value of production, it is necessary to regulate the interventions and avoid losing sight of the balance – underlined Berni – Therefore, the production plan allows us to find it again and avoids that a blanket pulled too far to one side risks leaving everyone in the cold." In light of the definitive production data, the assembly approved with over 90% of the votes the parameters for assigning the wheels to each dairy, according to the lines outlined by the board of directors. After having ratified some changes to the production specifications, the consortium members have acknowledged that from the next elective assembly, scheduled for April 2024, gender equality will be introduced, as provided for in article 28 of the statute, which, in the event that it is only one list of candidates for the Board of Directors is foreseen, requires the presence of at least one third of the candidates belonging to the less represented gender.
“I appeal to all of you and urge you – said President Zaghini – to ensure that, in preparing the lists of candidates on which the Assembly will be called to vote to elect the members of the Board of Directors for the four-year period 2024-2027, nominations belonging to both genders". The president of Confcooperative Maurizio Gradini brought their greetings to the Assembly; Paolo Zanetti , president of Assolatte; Gianmichele Passarini , vice president of Cia, Francesco Martinoni of Confagricoltura Brescia, and Alessandro Rota , president of Coldiretti Milan. Laura Ferrari , representative of the Board of Directors for gender equality, presented a project on certification which - responding to the sensitivity and the path already undertaken some time ago, as well as to the expectations of the consortium members - will be launched next January by the Consortium.
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