Italmopa: "Processed Italian wheat is the most controlled in the world"
Comment on the occasion of World Food Safety Day

Food safety - i.e. full compliance, both of the raw material wheat and of the flours obtained from wheat milling, with the rigorous community regulations regarding the protection of consumer health - constitutes an unconditional priority for the milling industry, in particular in its procurement policies. Italmopa – Association of Industrial Millers of Italy (Federalimentare-Confindustria) reiterates this as part of today's celebration of World Food Safety Day.
“Compliance with the fully acceptable community regulations on food safety is guaranteed by the constant and severe controls carried out, without respite and without compromise, both by the public supervisory authorities and by the operators of the supply chain in general and by the milling companies that use them in particular, as part of its self-control plans”, highlights Andrea Valente , president of Italmopa. “And this allows us to state, very clearly, that our sector and our companies guarantee, from a health perspective, safe flours, obtained exclusively from the transformation of raw materials that fully comply with all current regulations, whatever their origin. ”.
“Food safety therefore constitutes a mandatory value of the Italian milling industry and further strengthens its image of excellence unanimously recognized abroad,” continues Valente . “In this context, some recurring alarmisms - which evidently respond to mere party interests - about the wholesomeness of imported grains are frankly singular, but also unacceptable, and are also constantly disavowed by the results of the detailed analyzes always carried out by the competent control bodies and further multiplied after the recent establishment of the Control Room established by Masaf".
"We can maintain, without any fear of being refuted, that the wheat transformed by the Italian milling industry, and in particular the imported one, is the most controlled in the world, to protect consumers and the milling companies themselves", adds Valente, who , in conclusion, expresses the hope "that the results of the analyzes carried out by the control bodies will be made public by the administration, thus avoiding the fueling of misinformation which, in addition to discrediting the processing industry, appears disrespectful in concerns consumers who have the right to complete, correct and transparent information, supported by irrefutable data".
EFA News - European Food Agency