Italy. Beef producers appreciates authorization for Italian new factories in China
The italian's Ministry of Health and Embassy in Beijing, have given the go-ahead for the negotiations

Assocarni, italian association of beef producers, welcomes the authorization of twelve Italian factories in the beef sector by the Chinese Customs Authorities (GACC) and thanks the Italian Ministry of Health and the Italian Embassy in Beijing for the excellent work done and for the stubbornness with which have conducted the negotiations in recent years.
"This is the conclusion of a work started years ago that finally reaches the goal to which Assocarni has worked decisively and perfectly coordinated with our Ministry of Health and the Italian Embassy in Beijing - commented Serafino Cremonini, president of Assocarni (photo) - and which today opens up, in a not easy global trade scenario, new important opportunities for Italian companies in the beef sector. Of course, it will not be easy to enter a very competitive market dominated by Brazil and Australia - concluded Cremonini - but we are certain that the Made in Italy brand, accompanied by the quality and safety of our meats, will be an added value.
"To achieve this result, Assocarni's recent mission to Beijing, in which our Ministry of Health, the Italian Embassy in Beijing, ICE [italian foreign trade institute, ndr] and the Ministry of Chinese Customs (GACC) took part was decisive - declared François Tomei, general manager of Assocarni - because on that very occasion the Chinese Customs Authorities received further confirmation of the capillarity of our public veterinary system and the seriousness of the companies represented by Assocarni”.
The authorized slaughterhouses include the two Inalca plants (Cremonini Group) in Castelvetro di Modena and Ospedaletto Lodigiano
EFA News - European Food Agency