Nestlé: 4.2 billion of shared value generated in Italy in 2022
The group announces 250 million investments in our country over the next 3 years

In 2022, the Nestlé Group generated 4.2 billion euros of shared value in Italy, equal to 0.22% of GDP, an increase of 5.5% compared to 2020. This is what emerges from the study "Nestlé creates value for Italy", presented at Mimit on the occasion of the company's 110th anniversary in our country.
As Alessandro Marangoni, CEO of Althesys who oversaw the study explained, "compared to the total value generated by the group in Italy, 94% of the effects are distributed between the state, workers and external players involved in the supply chain". The study reveals that "each Nestlé employee indirectly generates 8 jobs in Italy, for a total of 43,040 employees. Furthermore, again in 2022, Nestlé determined the creation of 1,257 million euros in wages along the supply chain, equal to 0 .8% of wages in the manufacturing industry and comparable to the average annual consumption of 43,596 households". It also emerged that in 2022 the company contributed to paying over 1.5 billion euros in taxes in Italy.
Marco Travaglia, president and CEO of Nestlé Italia, said that "Nestlé plays an increasingly central role in our country's economy, generating shared value from which the entire nation and small local communities benefit. We continue to believe and bet on Italy through constant investments on the entire sector of the order of 250 million euros over the next three years.
On the occasion of Nesté's 110th anniversary in Italy, an exhibition was inaugurated within the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, dedicated to two of the most iconic Italian brands: Baci Perugina and S.Pellegrino.
EFA News - European Food Agency