India: the Center for Circular Economy in Coffee is born
The announcement and the opening of registrations for the World of Coffee Conference 2023 in Bangalore

Yesterday during the World Coffee Conference (Wcc 2023) promoted by the International Coffee Organization (Icc) and organized in collaboration with the Indian Government and the Coffee Board in Bangalore, India, the birth of the Center for Circular Economy in Coffee was announced: the first global pre-competitive platform that aims to accelerate the sustainable transition in the coffee supply chain, enhancing its principles, supporting innovation and developing good practices of the circular economy in this industry globally.
The Center is promoted and supported by a global network of partners: Fondazione Giuseppe Pericle Lavazza, Polytechnic of Turin, University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo in Italy, International Coffee Organization (ICO), International Trade Center (ITC) and United Nation Industrial Development Organization (Unido). Established in Turin from an idea of the Lavazza Foundation, the Center is open to membership of all actors in the coffee supply chain: local communities of producers, so that they have access to a global network of knowledge and have the possibility of implementing pilot economic projects circular; roasters, who benefit from the collaboration resulting from the creation of a scientific network of sector experts, proposing new initiatives and drawing inspiration from the projects shared in the Centre; associations, institutions, strategic partners will be invited to support new initiatives that will help accelerate the circular economy in the coffee sector; research centers and the academic world, to spread knowledge and propose innovative solutions.
The World Coffee Conference (Wcc 2023), organized by Ico, is the largest global event in the world dedicated to coffee which every four years brings together producers, the main industries and decision-makers in the sector from over one hundred countries. The WCC represents a unique forum capable of facilitating dialogue between governments, the private sector, development partners, civil society and all stakeholders in the coffee sector to jointly address current challenges, thanks to cooperation internationally, and to promote socio-economic opportunities. For the first time in Asia, from 25 to 27 September 2023, Wcc 2023 places circularity at the center with the title "Sustainability through circular economy and regenerative agriculture".
Yesterday in particular, the representatives of the Lavazza Foundation, ITC and Unido illustrated the mission of the Center which, through a collaborative approach, aims to improve the environmental, social, cultural and economic sustainability of the coffee system and to support its actors by sharing know-how and mobilizing resources for the implementation of circular solutions.
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