Cibus Tec opens its doors: more than 400 foreign brands and 40 thousand visitors expected
Today the ribbon was cut for the 53rd edition of the event dedicated to food & beverage technologies

The 53rd edition of Cibus Tec opens its doors today at Fiere di Parma. The presence of at least 1200 exhibitors is confirmed at the event, including the best companies in the food and machinery sector made in Italy and more than 400 foreign brands from 30 countries, including Germany, France, Turkey, Denmark, India, the United States of 'America and China. From 24 to 27 October, over 40 thousand visitors from Italy and 120 countries around the world are expected in Parma, with a significant presence of the public from Europe, the United States, the markets of South America and Africa. Furthermore, thanks to important investments, the collaboration with Ice Agenzia and the support of the Emilia-Romagna Region, more than 3000 VIP Top Buyers of food & beverage companies from over 60 countries were invited: notable presences of top buyers from the Middle East and from Southeast Asia.
Of all the events dedicated to the food technology sector, Cibus Tec boasts the most exclusive and structured incoming program, the Top Buyers Program; VIP visitors - top figures of the most important food companies in the world - experience an extremely distinctive business experience, complete and assisted at every step by a specialized team. One of the oldest fairs in the world, with an 80-year history, Cibus Tec is today a special and global meeting between supply and demand, designed to open up new scenarios, share knowledge about technological innovation and, last but not least, stimulate investments and business growth in the supply chain. The fair has always been organized in Parma, an iconic place for the Italian food sector, which has around 1200 food industries.
Furthermore, the ducal city represents the capital of the largest "Food Valley", an extraordinary territory which brings together 60% of Italian food production within a radius of 200 km. In these places, passion for quality food and invaluable know-how emerge, two components that are confirmed in the leadership position that Italy has acquired over the years and today boasts in the food technology sector. In particular, among the most exported food machines from Italy in 2022 we find machinery and equipment dedicated to packaging - worth 4 billion euros -, technologies dedicated to food processing - 2.5 billion euros - and bottling machines, whose exports, again in 2022, stood at 1.5 billion euros. In 2022, the markets most covered by Italian exports of food & beverage technologies were the countries of the European Union, with 39% of exports, North America, with 16% of the total, followed by Latin America , non-EU Europe and the Far East.
In this scenario, Cibus Tec 2023 confirms itself as "the" international showcase of excellence in which operators, producers and experts find the most advanced food & beverage technologies, from the transformation of raw materials to packaging, passing across all the related hot topics. In particular, the 53rd edition, reconfirming its leadership in events dedicated to transformation and packaging technologies for fruit and vegetable-based products and for the dairy sector, was chosen by the market as the reference event for the ready meals sectors , meats, alternative proteins and drinks, hosting all the most important global brands. A further peculiarity of the 2023 edition is the presence of the largest area dedicated to the best food tech and artificial intelligence start-ups.
EFA News - European Food Agency