Macfrut Academy: on demand service launches
The decision due to the many requests from all over the world to follow the first video lesson

Macfrut Academy expands the service by activating the on demand mode. Following numerous requests from all over the world to follow the first video lesson dedicated to the potato supply chain, Macfrut Academy has decided to make access permanent through the "on request" method.
The service remains free and to access it you must register on the Macfrut Academy website ( Once registered, you can watch the video lesson at any time.
Macfrut Academy is the innovative digital platform aimed at professionals in the fruit and vegetable sector. The first video lesson is dedicated to the potato supply chain, with a journey that starts from mechanized harvesting in the field and arrives at packaging in the warehouse, with a particular focus on the new technologies and packaging that have radically changed this sector.
The second video lesson dedicated to the mango to avocado supply chain, scheduled for next January, is already underway.
EFA News - European Food Agency