Cesena Fiera in full swing: 2024 turnover estimated at 9.7 billion euros (+5%)
Gross profit at 769 thousand euros (+60%), while sales are expected to reach 11.3 million in 2025

Flattering results for Cesena Fiera which closes the budget in positive for the 41st consecutive year. The numbers were presented this morning at the shareholders' meeting which approved the 2024 preliminary budget with the presentation of the company's 2025 budget.
In the data illustrated by the president of Cesena Fiera Renzo Piraccini , the company's revenues in 2024 rose to 9.7 million euros (the figure is affected by the biennial Fieravicola scheduled for 2025) for an increase on the previous year of +5%. The gross profit reached 769 thousand euros, recording a +60%. Driving the growth is Macfrut, the international fair of the fruit and vegetable supply chain, together with the increase in events hosted in the Cesena exhibition center. Some numbers in this regard give an idea: 18 fairs (direct and indirect) were held in the Pievesestina pavilions while the Congress Center hosted 108 events.
Excellent forecasts for 2025, where the threshold of 10 million euros is expected to be exceeded, for a forecast turnover of 11.3 million euros. This is thanks to the international development of Macfrut and Fieravicola, scheduled for 6 to 8 May 2025, but also thanks to the activity carried out in the pavilions in Cesena.
Making the Cesena fair district even more attractive are the redevelopment works for over 600 thousand euros, planned in the coming months by the Municipality of Cesena and largely financed by the fair. In detail, the entrance to Cesena Fiera, from via Dismano, will be redeveloped with the partial filling of the drainage ditch and the presence of a bus stop for an investment of 160 thousand euros. At the same time, the restyling of the octagonal building that houses the offices will be carried out through energy improvement works for an amount of 440 thousand euros. Work on the photovoltaic system has also been completed, which provides the fair district with a production capacity of 700 kilowatts for an investment of 600 thousand euros.
“The financial data confirm the good health of Cesena Fiera, in the balance of its two souls that have distinguished the company for over a decade", explains Piraccini . "The local one, with roots deeply rooted in the Cesena exhibition center that in recent years has benefited from investments for several million euros that have led to a complete redevelopment. All this has been possible thanks to the growing success of the international soul of Cesena Fiera, represented by Macfrut, which has established itself in the world panorama of trade fairs by pursuing its own specific path that involves the entire global fruit and vegetable supply chain. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Board of Directors and all the employees of Cesena Fiera with whom in recent years we have shared this path and achieved these ambitious goals".
EFA News - European Food Agency