San Remo's flowers want the Nobel Prize
Agreement between Liguria region and Swedish Foundation to decorate award ceremony

Liguria, or rather its flower riviera, is no longer satisfied with the Sanremo Festival and is aiming for the Nobel Prize. In fact, the Ligurian regional council, at the proposal of vice president and Agriculture councillor Alessandro Piana, has approved the outline of an agreement between the Liguria Region, the municipality of Sanremo, the Riviera di Liguria-Imperia La Spezia Savona Chamber of Commerce and the Nobel Foundation for the donation of flowers from Sanremo and the Ligurian Riviera for the Nobel Prize celebrations, scheduled for December 2023. For the iniziative, the Region has allocated 20,000 euros: money has been earmarked by the city of San Remo and the Riviere di Liguria Chamber of commerce, which will put in 10,000 Euros each, respectively.
The agreement stipulates that the Liguria Region, the Riviera di Liguria-Imperia La Spezia Savona Chamber of Commerce and the City of San Remo will provide the flowers, grown exclusively in Liguria, for the floral decorations on the occasion of the Nobel Prize, and stipulates that the Nobel Foundation will undertake to enhance the value of San Remo and Ligurian flowers by making the product unmistakably identifiable. In addition to this, the Foundation undertakes, during the ceremonies, to give visibility to the floral arrangements made with San Remo and Ligurian flowers, communicating the name of the donors and promoting the peculiarities of the territories of the Liguria Region and San Remo.
"As per tradition, Liguria is providing the flowers and plants that will decorate and embellish the Nobel Prize ceremony -explain Liguria Region president Giovanni Toti and vice president Alessandro Piana-. The iiziative takes shape given not only the great floricultural tradition of the Ligurian Ponente, but also the strong link between the Nobel Foundation and the city of Sanremo, where the great inventor, creator of the Prize, lived the last years of his life".
"The Nobel award ceremony -adds the Region of Liguria- which are internationally considered the most important awards in the fields of physics, medicine, chemistry, literature and economics, is certainly an extraordinary opportunity to promote and enhance floriculture production and, on a broader level, the Ligurian territory".
EFA News - European Food Agency