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Berne Convention/2. Copa Cogeca’s satisfaction

First concrete step towards EU-wide downgrading of wolf

"Copa and Cogeca welcome the decision of the Berne Convention as a first concrete step towards downgrading the wolf to EU level". This is what the official statement of the EU agricultural organization says "the European agricultural community welcomes today’s decision by the Standing Committee of the Berne Convention in Strasbourg to put forward a proposal to amend the wolf’s appendix status". 

"This change -the official note says- is crucial to enable wolf population management measures across Europe. The protection of the wolf in the EU since 1992 has seen the return and recolonization of a species that was on the verge of extinction. But 30 years of good management, including catching, transport and killing only through derogations, is not a long-term solution and is not in line with the reality on the ground in many Member States. However, the unintended consequences of uncontrolled reintroduction on farmers and rural communities have not been adequately addressed".

"The Copa and the Cogeca -continues the note- have been fighting for some time to recognize the real challenges posed by wolf populations and the urgent need to intervene. We are pleased to see that the EU institutions listen to the needs of farmers and rural people, despite the many pressures from those who often have nothing to do with the consequences of the attacks. This decision will give European farmers greater peace of mind, as predation remains a constant mental burden contributing to the fragility of pastoralism in many regions". 

"We now look forward to the final adoption of this proposal on 7 March 2025 and to working closely with the institutions of the European Union on the forthcoming delegated act. This crucial step will formalise these changes, paving the way for a truly harmonious coexistence between wolves, farmers and rural communities in the EU-27 and across the whole of Europe".

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