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Italian food industry increasingly performing

The sector showing the most marked trend growth is ice cream (+18.9%)

The Federalimentare Study Center confirms that the food industry is the best performing manufacturing sector. According to Istat statistics for November 2024 (read EFA News ), production volumes recorded, with the same number of calendar days, a trend increase of +4.5%, accelerating after the +3.7% of October. The pace of the sector therefore regains momentum and consolidates, generating a trend growth of +2.0% over the eleven months, after +1.7% in the ten months and +1.5% in the nine months.

The food sector showing the most marked growth trend is that of “ice cream” (+18.9%), followed by “prepared dishes” (+11.6%), “processing and preservation of fish and shellfish” (+9.2%), and “cocoa, chocolate, sweets and confectionery” (+6.5%).
Food amplifies the rebound compared to 2023 - highlights the Federalimentare Study Center - underlining a rewarding dynamic compared to the other fundamental assets of the country.

Even though there is no lack of uncertainty related to the protectionist measures feared overseas, the food industry - the symbol par excellence of Made in Italy in the world - has proven to be able to grow in the face of challenging international scenarios. The prospects for 2025 remain more than positive, also in relation to the oft-referenced ability of the sector to evolve.

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EFA News - European Food Agency