Macfrut Academy: video lesson on mango and avocado
Thursday 18 January at 5pm spotlight on the European two-fruit market

New year and new appointment with the Macfrut Academy, Macfrut's innovative digital training platform dedicated to the international fruit and vegetable supply chain through exclusive and strategic contents. On Thursday 18 January at 5pm the spotlight will be on the European avocado and mango market. Two products of global interest for a market that is worth 18 billion dollars globally for avocado, for an annual production growth of +7% recorded in the last decade (2012-2022).
The video lesson will start with an overview of the global production and trade flows of avocado and mango and then arrive at the European market, entering the heart of four large wholesale markets: Mercabarna in Barcelona, Marché International de Rungis in Paris, Ortomercato in Milan and Rome Agri-Food Centre. Here we take stock of the commercial dynamics of 2023, the market trends, the standards required for production and the evolution of packaging. Followed by an in-depth analysis of consumer needs with testimonials from specialized retailers and operators in the Horeca channel.
A special chapter is reserved for Italy, a country that has recorded a growth in demand for avocados of +179% in the last five years. The video lesson dedicates an exclusive focus on the consumption of avocado and mango through an Ismea survey: analysis of sales, the choices of purchasing managers of Italian families, up to the evolution of the category in the future.
The episode ends with an analysis of the strategies of Conad, the main Italian retailer, for building the assortment of exotic fruit and promoting avocado and mango.
The use of the contents is free after registering at this link.
EFA News - European Food Agency