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Ieg: Amber exceeds 10% capital and confirms confidence in the industrial plan

Ceo Peraboni: "Further incentive to fully achieve the objectives that the company has set itself"

Amber Capital increases its shareholding in Italian Exhibition Group (Ieg), exceeding 10% of the capital. In this way, the fund confirms its confidence in the 2023-2028 development plan, presented earlier this year (read EFA News ). "Amber Capital Italia Sgr", we read in a note, "has come to hold, through the funds under management, a stake of more than 10% of the capital and equal to approximately 6% of the voting rights"

Shareholder of Ieg since 2019, over these years, as explained by CEO Giorgio Martorelli , Amber has established with the company's management and its stakeholders "a consolidated relationship of trust and mutual esteem which has allowed us to remain shareholders, and indeed to increase participation, in the most difficult period experienced by the company, i.e. during the pandemic: Ieg was able to restart and achieve better results than the pre-Covid period, well ahead of its competitors industrial plan to 2028 has given us further confidence in the group's long-term development prospects and for this reason we have decided to further increase our participation, convinced that in the next three years the company will not only be able to confirm its growth targets, but will even Better".

"The increase in Amber's shareholding constitutes a further stimulus for the full achievement of the ambitious objectives that the company has set itself with the new industrial plan", declares the CEO of Ieg Corrado Peraboni . "We are very honored by the trust that Amber Capital Italia places in our company and in our projects. In recent years we have also been able to appreciate the precious contribution ensured to governance through the appointment of the president of the board of auditors and of a highly experienced and professional administrator." ', underlines Peraboni .

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