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Cirio: new TV campaign for the British market

Celebrity chef James Martin is the testimonial for 100% Italian tomatoes

“Made the farmerly way”. This is the slogan of the new Cirio commercial dedicated to the British market, which has been on air for a few days on the main television channels in the United Kingdom. With this advertising campaign, Cirio – the 100% Italian tomato specialist, a Conserve Italia brand – is taking a new strategic direction in one of its foreign markets of reference, aimed at enhancing the authenticity and cooperative nature that underpin its products. The commercial highlights the commitment of the cooperative’s member farmers and the rigorous control that characterizes the entire supply chain, from seed to table.

The protagonist is James Martin , English celebrity chef and testimonial of Cirio, who visits the fields of the farmer members present in Maremma, experiencing first-hand the value of being part of a cooperative. During his journey, Martin interacts with the producers struggling with the tomato harvest, interviewing them and discovering how total control of the supply chain and commitment to sustainability are key principles for Cirio, which reverberate on the same quality of the product for the final consumer.

During a series of ironic questions posed by Martin as he walks through the tomato fields, the farmers respond with a resounding and decisive “Yes”, amazed as if for them the quality and control that distinguish each phase of Cirio’s processing are established and almost taken for granted. “Do Cirio farmers supervise the entire process from seed to table?”. “Carbon neutrality is a big commitment, right?”. “Being in a cooperative means having a fair price for everyone, right?”. “So your best tomatoes mean better dishes, right?”. The unanimous chorus of “Yes!” emerges as a hymn to the production quality and dedication of Cirio farmers.

Another distinctive element of the commercial and of Cirio's repositioning strategy is the “Farmer Owned” stamp, which appears in the final scene, to further underline the cooperative nature of the Company and the direct link between farmers and Cirio products as a guarantee of transparency, quality and sustainability.

The campaign, which started on January 13, 2025 and will last until the end of February, includes a significant presence on the main British television channels, including ITV, Sky and Channel 4, as well as on on-demand platforms. “This commercial marks a turning point for Cirio in the British market,” comments Sandra Sangiuolo , Export Marketing Manager of Conserve Italia. “We have chosen to tell not only about quality and Made in Italy, but above all about the cooperative and agricultural nature that makes our historic brand unique, present since 1856. This approach responds to the expectations of the British market, which is increasingly attentive to issues of provenance, product sustainability and an ethical process that respects all the players in the supply chain, from producers to consumers.”

“Thanks to the work of our farmer members, we guarantee maximum control of each production phase and superior quality at a fair price, confirming the excellence of our supply chain", adds Diego Pariotti , Export Sales Director of Conserve Italia. "Cirio, synonymous with tradition, supply chain and innovation, continues to stand out as an ambassador of Italian quality in the world. This is what we increasingly want to convey to our British customers, aware that we can distinguish ourselves thanks to our 100% Italian cooperative supply chain". The creative campaign was designed by the Krow London agency, the commercial created by the production companies Annex_20 Red Light and the space planning was entrusted to the media house The Village.

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