Logistic, the corridor between La Spezia and Africa is strengthened
To Fruit Logistic convention of group Tarros and harbour Authority

The logistic corridor between the Italian Ligurian port of La Spezia and North Africa is strengthened. The strengthening of the logistic connections, above all in the agri-food, between the two banks is unveiled today to Fruit Logistica 2024 that is concluded just today to Berlin. The fair, one of the most important in the world for the handling of agri-food products, has seen the engagement of the Authority of Harbour System and the Group Tarros in the promotion of the traffics legacies to the transport of agricultural goods in the two ports of and Marina di Carrara towards the African coasts and their ports of call.
This year, for the first time, the ADSP participated in the event in the space set up in collaboration with the Liguria-Liguria International Region, together with the ADSP of the Western Ligurian Sea and the SGM, the market management company of Genoa, space visited by the Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, the President of Ice, Matteo Zoppas and the Italian Ambassador in Berlin, Armando Verricchio. Several in these days the focus on the activity of the ports of Liguria: in particular, the adsp with the Group Tarros has organized an event entitled "La Spezia hub: to Mediterranean Corridor. Door to Door from/to Europe and North Africa".
"The Tarros Group strengthens links to and from North Africa thanks to the collaboration with the ADSP of the Eastern Ligurian Sea -emphasizes Maria Valentina De Bernardi, commercial director of the Tarros-Group. It consolidates a real Mediterranean network, able to offer to the European customers a sustainable and efficient corridor for the transport of the goods. This fair confirms an excellent opportunity to meet with all our Italian and foreign interlocutors".
"Today the eyes of the world are turned on the basin of the Mediterranean, which the port of, also through the services offered from the Group Tarros, from tens of years it pays a particular attention -the secretary of the adsp of the Ligurian Sea Oriental, Federica Montaresi explains-. Suffice it to think that today our port is connected with all the main ports of the Mediterranean and that, thanks to our logistic system, have a direct connection with all Europe. In this edition we introduce as entire from Liguria cluster, first hub harbour and logistic of our Country, that it succeeds to intercept an important quota traffic in spite of the difficult moment that crosses today the field of the shipping, legacy to the crisis of Suez, converting this critical phase into opportunity".
"It goes merit to the Liguria Region and the city council member to the Alessio Piana economic Development that, through Liguria International, has managed to compact the three ports that take part of a geographic arc that confirmation between the first destinations of the coming ships from the Far East, also with the change of the marine routes -adds Montaresi-. Alla Spezia we have the efficient services that we have constructed in the years: in particular, from 2019, we have started the logistic corridor with the port of Casablanca, with data exchange between the respective computer science platforms".
"We have started a series of investments -Montaresi continues-, focusing on efficiency, digitalization and innovative services also in the area behind the port of Santo Stefano di Magra, which has great potential linked to a possible implementation of the service in favour of the agri-food sector. There are, in fact, very operational and efficient goods services, thanks also to the collaboration with the Customs Agency, which allow faster checks, possibility to quickly forward the goods more efficiently".
EFA News - European Food Agency