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Sigep 2025, minus 5: an edition of record

Flavia Morelli from Ieg says: from 18 to 22 January Fiera Rimini will host 1,300 companies from 33 countries in 30 pavilions

"Here we are: a record edition is waiting for us that will showcase the city of Rimini". Flavia Morelli, group exhibition manager of the food&beverage division in Ieg who is organising Sigep 2025, a reference point in the global foodservice panorama scheduled from 18 to 22 January at the Rimini Fair, said this in an interview with Resto del Carlino.

Morelli underlines the increasingly international dimension of the exhibition dedicated to ice cream, pastry, bakery, coffee and pizza. "We will host at the fair more than 1,300 exhibiting companies from 33 countries in 30 pavilions -says Morelli-. We will welcome 3,000 foreign buyers who join our programs. Many are the operators that will come from abroad. The largest delegations are those of the United States, India, Canada and Brazil considering the non-European countries, then Germany, Spain, France and England in our continent. Our programmes broaden our horizons to further markets". 

The international importance of the event is also evident by name, Sigep World. "The exhibition is a showcase for the city -adds Morelli-. In collaboration with the Municipality and Visit Rimini we have planned initiatives to welcome the national and international community of the world of foodservice. There will be installations, we will illuminate Castel Sismondo with the logo of Sigep World, will be installed banners along via Emilia to the exhibition center. And again, there will be a welcome installation in front of the station. This symbiosis with the territory is a strength".

The 2025 edition will feature Saudi Arabia as a guest country. "Saudi Arabia -Morelli points out- is a market with great potential and boasts projects attracting very impressive tourist flows. We will have among others in Rimini two representatives of the Ministry of Saudi agriculture, with high profile buyer". 

Another new feature this year, the flight from Monaco to Rimini. "A connection -explains manager Ieg- that facilitates the arrival of buyers from abroad and not only from Europe. The next edition of Sigep will be a first test for this initiative that we intend to replicate for our most important fairs". 

After the event in Rimini, the exhibition will move to Asia: in April is scheduled Sigep China in Shenzen, in July Sigep Asia in Singapore. "With these fairs -concludes Morelli- on the one hand we accompany companies in markets that are strategic for them, on the other hand we have a direct return in terms of presence of buyers and exhibitors in Rimini".

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