Beer/2. Cold cuts and cheeses (but also desserts) perfect for a meal
Bagnolini (AssoBirra): "It confirms itself as a versatile ally; it enhances the authenticity of Italian conviviality"

“Beer is a pillar of the Italian food tradition, able to adapt to every season and occasion”. This was stated by Andrea Bagnolini , general manager of AssoBirra, commenting on the data from the third edition of the latest survey conducted by Bva Doxa for the Centro Informazione Birra (Cib) of AssoBirra (read EFA News).
“While it evokes summer moments of sharing and lightheartedness, the data from this latest Cib show how it is equally a protagonist in winter: from relaxing at home to Christmas toasts, to the refined pairings of festive tables,” continues Bagnolini . “It thus confirms itself as a versatile ally, capable of enhancing the authenticity of Italian conviviality. This edition highlights a key theme: the deseasonalization of consumption. Beer is not tied to just one period of the year, but is integrated into the pleasures of each season, reflecting the rich gastronomic culture of our country. Furthermore, the growing interest in food pairing highlights increasingly aware consumers, who see it not only as a drink, but as a means to explore flavors and create authentic connections. This unique role makes it the protagonist of both the most intimate moments and festive celebrations, enhancing the pleasure of being together all year round.”
Accompanying small winter pleasures with food consumption is a widespread and shared practice among generations. Millennials and Gen Z demonstrate a greater propensity to carve out moments of pleasure during the week, with 83% and 80% respectively. In this context, approximately one third of those interviewed consider beer a fundamental element to enrich the experience of soft pleasures, thanks to its ability to enhance flavors and adapt to different combinations. Among the foods most chosen by consumers to accompany beer, cured meats emerge (51%) together with focaccia (51%), followed by canapés or bruschetta (47%) and aged or fresh cheeses (41%). These foods, associated with moments of relaxation and sharing, find in beer a complement capable of enriching every culinary occasion, thanks to its versatility and convivial character.
“Italian cuisine, with its authenticity and sophistication, finds a key element in beer, capable of enriching each course and interacting with flavors without ever overpowering them,” explains Rocco Pozzulo , president of the Italian Chefs Federation. “During the Christmas holidays, beer enhances desserts such as panettone and dark chocolate, but it can also become the protagonist in the kitchen, for example in ganache or in savory preparations. I think of the combinations with toasted dried fruit, dark chocolate or typical Christmas sweets, which go perfectly with pale or amber beers, ideal for balancing the richness of desserts. A dessert that I love to prepare combines bock beer, Piedmont hazelnuts and bianchetto truffle for an explosion of flavor. Beer perfectly embodies the concept of slow and genuine pleasure, enhancing our gastronomic tradition and creating authentic rituals rich in flavor,” concludes Pozzulo .
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