Italian PDO cheeses: export boom to Germany
Afidop data on the eve of Anuga's departure in Cologne (7-11 October 2023)

The export of PDO cheeses to the German market is booming: in the first half of 2023, denomination cheeses recorded a +25% in value, thanks to a turnover of 262 million euros. This is what the Italian Dop and Igp Cheese Association (Afidop) points out, which from 7 to 11 October will be on stage at Anuga, the main European trade fair event for the food & beverage sector, together with the Protection Consortia of five of the main denominations: Asiago, Gorgonzola, Grana Padano, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana and Taleggio.
There is a packed program of activities in Hall 10.1, Stand F061G-G060G: ranging from show cooking with chef Domenico Gentile (8 October at 12pm), to tasting conducted by journalist Laura Melara-Dürbeck, head of the Italian Academy of Cuisine in Frankfurt (9 October 11.30 am), up to the wine pairing with Claudia Stern, member of the Sommelier Union Germany, also developed in collaboration with As.Co.Vi.Lo., the Association of Consortia for the Protection of Lombardy Docg, Doc and Igt Wines (10 October 2.30pm).
“The 2023 data testifies to the growing success of Italian cheeses among the German public. With over 23,400 tonnes exported in the first half of 2023, equal to 19% of our exports worldwide - said the president of Afidop, Antonio Auricchio (photo) - Germany represents our second market in Europe after France. A market in which we want to continue investing, also due to the value that the German people attribute to our PDO cheeses, which represent over half (56%) of our dairy exports to Germany. In this sense, Anuga is the ideal stage for promoting our productions, which remain a cornerstone of the agri-food chain and the Mediterranean diet".
EFA News - European Food Agency