EFA News - European Food Agency
4,706 news found

ForeignWar of duties: China against US sorghum
Anti-dumping measures for American cereal
Don’t stop the commercial fight between China and the United States. This time the war of duties between the two countries is exacerbated by the Beijing government, which will impose temporary anti-dumping d... more

ForeignLondon, too much sugar in drinks: tax is arrived
And producers adapt themselves to reduce it
The sugar tax on soft drinks came into effect on Friday meaning manufacturers have to pay a levy on the high-sugar drinks they sell. This Law initiative that is part of the health program to tackle obesity,... more

NewsPig's welfare: cut and thrust between EU Animal Rights Activists and Parma Ham producers
According to the Consortium the purpose is not the protection of animals, but attacking the brand reputation
Cut and thrust between animal rights activists and producers of the Parma Ham Consortium on the welfare of bred pigs. The accusations of practices at the limit of the crime of maltreatment made yesterday... more

DistributionIvs Group, double digit growth in 2017
Net Profit reached Euro 19.5 mln, +15.6%
The Board of Directors of IVS Group S.A. (IVS.MI) chaired by Paolo Covre, convened on March 27th, 2018 in Seriate (BG), has reviewed and approved the Annual Financial Report at 31 December 2017, the Management... more

Catering and hospitalityBarilla to conquer USA: fast casual openings in Nyc and LA
The Italian pasta leader is growing in its development plan on foreign markets
The expansion of Barilla restaurants in the United States continues. New fast-causal openings on all the coasts of the United States, in Los Angeles and New York. The ambitious project of the Parma food... more

WinesItalian Wine Brands: excellent 2017 results
€ 149.74 M net sales (+2.60%), € 16.03 M restated Ebitda (+41.61%)
The Board of Directors or Italian Wine Brands S.p.A., the first wine company listed to Milan Stock Exchange, approved the group’sconsolidated financial statements as of December 31st 2017, drawn up in a... more

Gourmet cuisineHeinz Beck returns to London
To launch Beck at Brown’s this April
The restaurant will offer a brand-new casual dining menu of classic Italian dishes, reinvented using the finest seasonal British ingredients more

NewsAU: the African Free Trade Area is born.
Leaders of Africa’s 55 countries make history
The leaders of Africa's 55 countries make history. They converged today in Kigali, Rwanda, to sign an agreement that will launch the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), according to the African... more

ForeignAjinomoto reorganizes operations in Turkey
The new company will be named Ajinomoyo Istambul Food Industry and Trade Ltd Company
Ajinomoto Co., Inc. has decided to amalgamate Ajinomoto Istanbul Food Sales Ltd., KÜKRE GIDA VE İHTİYAÇ MADDELERİ NAKLİYAT VE ÖZEL EĞİTİM HİZMETLERİ TİCARET VE SANAYİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ and Örgen Gıda Sanayi... more

Conserved and jamsLa Doria: board of directors approves 2017 results
Consolidated revenues of Euro 669.1 million, net profit of Euro 30.4 million. Proposed dividend of Euro 0. 23 per share.
The Board of Directors of La Doria S.p.A, leader in the production of tomato-based products, ready-made sauces, pulses and fruit juices and beverages for supermarket private labels, met today at Angri... more

DistributionMarr: consolidated profits of 65.5 million Euros
Total consolidated revenues of 1,624.6 million Euros. Gross dividend of 0.74 Euros
The Board of Directors of MARR S.p.A. (Milan: MARR.MI), the Cremonini Group leading company in Italy in the sale and distribution of food products to the foodservice sector, today approved the consolidated... more

Economy and financeGlenalta takes over Cft
The target society specialises in machinery for food&beverage industry
Glentalta has found its own target company. This is the Emilian Cft group which designs, plans and manufactures machinery, complete lines and turnkey systems, mainly for Food&Beverage industry. Headquartered... more

WinesBrunello, sales volume increases
A steady production while the turnover reaches 180 million Euros (+10%)
180 million Euros for the 2017 turnover, meaning 10 million more than 2016. Exports reach 70% of the total production. These are the data provided by Brunello Wine Consortium in Montalcino, in the occasion... more

CoffeeM. Zanetti Group (Segafredo): 2017 revenues reach one billion
Net profit at 18.1 million (+ 8%). Proposed dividend of 0.17 euros
The Board of Directors of Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group S.p.A., one of the leading brands worldwide in the production, processing and marketing of roasted coffee and other selected categories of colonial... more

FairsCibus Fair, a 2018 record edition
For the first time more than a thousand products are introduced in a new dedicated pavilion
Cibus 2018 is going to become a record edition which reserves many new features. First of all a new pavilion.There will be more than a thousand new products offered by about three thousand exhibiting companies... more

FairsAceto Balsamico in the foreign tourists’ heart
The leader in the tourism exhibition in Milan
De Nigris brought Balsamico Village at BIT more

Press release“European Authentic Pleasure” takes off: a campaign to promote DOP and IGP cured meat in Italy and Germany
Cacciatore Italiano DOP, Mortadella Bologna IGP, Zampone e Cotechino Modena IGP are the key players
“European Authentic Pleasure” is the name of a promotional project, co-financed by the European Union, about Made-in-Italy cured meats. The three-year campaign involves Consorzio Cacciatore Italiano, Cons... more

Press releaseGranarolo acquires the 100% of the Midland Food Group
Estimated additional turnover for Granarolo generated by the transaction when it comes into full effect: more than 62 million GBP
Through its UK-based subsidiary, Granarolo, the leading Italian- owned agro-industrial operator in the country has acquired 100% of Midland Food Group, consolidated chilled, ambient and frozen foods distributor... more

MeatsQuality Awards to Rovagnati Naturals
The number one for using 100% natural products
Rovagnati Naturals line won the 2018 Italian Quality Awards prize. The cold cuts line, in fact, reached the highest score among different categories of the test by using 100% natural products, with no... more

DistributionEataly is getting to Stockholm
Il Fiorino’s cheese is one of the excellences in the new store
On Saturday 17th February a new Eataly’s store opened in Stockholm. To the chain, founded by Oscar Farinetti, it is the 12th store opened abroad in Biblioteksgatan, the shopping street in the heart of S... more

MeatsAmadori invests 45 million Euros in Molise (South of Italy)
The renovation for the new hatchery in Bojano (CB) has started.
Amadori started the operation to renovate “ex GAM” building to give it a new development in the area of Bojano (Campobasso, in Molise Region) and create a new high-quality chicken supply chain in Mol... more

Cheese and dairy productsGrana Padano: a record production
Almost 5 million moulds in 2017
In 2017, Grana Padano DOP reached its productive record of 4.942.054 moulds, 1.70% more compared to 2016.The Grana Padano Group officially communicated it in a note.According to some cheese factories data... more

BiologicalCCPB participated to Biofach/Vivaness 2018
The biological “Made in Italy” registers numbers of huge dimensions and conquers even more market shares abroad also thanks to its certification role.
Nuremberg’s trade show is a great showcase for this sector more

BiologicalLa Linea Verde: 1,000 spots for Dimmidisì
Zuppe Fresche broadcasts from 11 February
La Linea Verde carries on and strengthen the investment strategy on Dimmidisì. It is acting with a massive and detailed advertising plan that will start on Sunday 11th February 2018. The TV spot about... more

ForeignCeva hits EUR1 billion in revenue
Performance was strong across all geographical regions
2017 will go down in history as the year for leading French player in animal health market achieved growth of 20% more

IndustryLabels based on nutritional profiles: the global map
GDA is the most common system. Among black Chilean octagons and English traffic lights consumer’s confusion increases
“It is necessary to provide citizens a labelling system on a strong scientific basis which takes into account the food as a whole and with univocal rules for the unique market”. That is what Luigi Sco... more

AgrifoodMaccarese (Rome), the pole of excellence in zootechnics
The new Milk Standard Laboratory will be inaugurated on February 12
On Monday 12th of February 2018 from 11:00 am at the premises in Via dell’Industria in Maccarese, in municipality of Fiumicino (Rome), there will be the inauguration of the new Milk Standard Laboratory, a... more

MeatsBachoco sees higher Q4, full year 2017 earnings, sales
Company’s CEO says it saw historically high numbers
Bachoco, the largest poultry company in Mexico, announced higher revenue and sales for the fourth quarter and full year 2017.Earnings per basic and diluted share totaled MXN2.46 (US$0.13) for the fourth... more

Economy and financeAgro- food exports: € 41 billion (+ 6.5%) in 2017
Coldiretti presents "True Italian Taste" for the promotion of an authentic made in Italy agro-food
At the national level, agri-food exports touched for the first time the € 41 billion in 2017, with a significant increase of 7% compared to the last year (Coldiretti elaboration from annual projections o... more

Oils and condimentsOlive oil:"traffic light labels"penalize exports in UK (-11%)
Granieri (Unaprol): "Well, instead, sales in China"
Italian olive oil with over 40 million euros shows a 41% growth in the Chinese market. This is what Coldiretti has estimated, on Istat data. "It is a developing market that is experiencing an impressive... more

Food safetyLabel: EU Commission doubly in default
The "nutrient profiles" on which the UK traffic light label system is based should be abolished
"The European Parliament approved with 402 yes and 285 no a resolution, that call on the Commission to revise the concept of nutrient profiles, also in view of their possible overcoming. These are the... more

Economy and financeUnilever: 2017 revenues of € 53.7 billion, net profit up 17%
Food increases, thanks to the new product portfolio
Unilever profits rose in 2017, thanks to the growth in emerging markets and its 11 acquisitions. Net income is 16.9% to 6.5 billion euros and turnover rose 1.9% to 53.7 billion euros. The company declared... more

AgrifoodBarilla e Cnw for the agriculture 4.0
The Agrosat platform on the smartphone to support farmers
The Institute of Biometeorology of the National Research Council of Florence and Foggia (Ibimet-Cnr, Bioagroalimentare-Disba Department) in collaboration with Barilla S.p.a. has created 'Agrosat': an online... more

BeverageCoca-Cola: debate about food in advertising
On air from February 4, the new campaign realized in Italy
During, before and after meals: in Italy, the debate about food doesn't seems to fade. The opinions from whom loves high pizza and those who prefer the low one, from whom choose cheek lard and those who... more

Ice creamUnilever to acquire Betty Ice
The value of the transaction is estimated in 100 million euro
Signed an agreement to acquire the business of the Romanian ice-cream producer more

Cheese and dairy productsArla Foods eyes further growth with 527 million euro investment
The farmer-owned dairy cooperative has announced plan 2018
Arla Foods will invest in new, expanded and improved production capacity as well as innovative technology more

Food safetyLabel information: Italian Federalimentare critics the British traffic light system
Mr. Scordamaglia (Italian Food Industry): "We are in favour of a shared European system"
"I believe that the whole agri-food supply chain, in terms of agricultural and industrial production, would achieve better results and would be more effective if we would share morecommon battles and joint... more

AgrifoodCherkizovo Group Announces 2017 Operating Result
Cherkizovo Group (LSE: CHE; MOEX: GCHE), is the largest vertically integrated meat producer in Russia
Cherkizovo Group (LSE: CHE; MOEX: GCHE), the largest vertically integrated meat producer in Russia, today announces operating results for the twelve months ended 31 December 2017.Poutry DivisionSales volumes... more

Cheese and dairy productsArla Foods: Brabrand Dairy to be closed
The company will close the site in mid 2019
Production relocated to other sites in Denmark, Holland, and Germany more

Food safetyEfsa confirms health concerns for hydroxyanthracene derivatives in food
Extracts containing them are used in food supplements for their laxative effect
Some substances belonging to a group of plant ingredients known as hydroxyanthracene derivatives can damage Dna and may cause cancer more

Government actsLactalis: Ue parlamentary questions
What action is the Commission planning to take to coordinate measures carried out by the Member States to address this new health scandal?
Parliamentary questions12 January 2018P-000177-18Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Eric Andrieu (S&D) , Guillaume Balas (S&D) On 1 December 2017, the Lactalis group ordered a recall... more

PeoplePepsiCo Names Mike Spanos CEO Asia, Middle East and North Africa
Sanjeev Chadha to serve as Chairman of AMENA through end of Q1 2018
PepsiCo, Inc. announced January 1, 2018, Mike Spanos, currently President, PepsiCo Greater China Region, become Chief Executive Officer, Asia, Middle East and North Africa (AMENA), and Sanjeev Chadha,... more

Cheese and dairy productsDmk Group and Arla Foods sign mozzarella contract manufacturing agreement
German dairy company will invest 15 million euro to focus the entire capacity on mozzarella cheese by late 2018
The contract will see Dmk produce 35.000 tons of mozzarella cheese for Arla per year at its Nordhackstedt site in northern Germany more

LiqueursDiageo launches ‘The Bar’ for the Amazon Echo Show
To inspire consumers to create cocktails at home
Diageo has launched a new skill for the Amazon Echo Show in the UK to help consumers create great cocktails at home more

VideoThe international development of Parmareggio
Interview to Francesco Muratori Casali, export manager of Parmareggio
Francesco Muratori Casali, export manager of Parmareggio, on the occasion of Anuga 2017, tells about the company and the most important markets for the export.Parmareggio, declared Muratori Casali "is... more

DistributionLuciani Group: Bio Food Market, pet food and future mobility
“The Green Evolution” has just been inaugurated in Rome: a new integrated and ecologically sustainable break area with State-of-the-Art vending machines
The Green Evolution has just opened In Viale Cortina d’Ampezzo, in the north of Rome, in a green area named Cortina City Park - a park of about 1.5 hectares, managed by private companies, open to the p... more

IndustryInvestindustrial to acquire Ceme Group
The operation 285 milion euros worth
An investment subsidiary of Investindustrial VI L.P. (“Investindustrial”) has agreed to acquire CEME Group S.p.A. (“CEME”) from Investcorp. CEME is a leading manufacturer of highly engineered, precisi... more

Economy and financeAutogrill start negotiations to acquire Le CroBag
The agreement is an opportunity to enter the main European railways channel
Autogrill, through its German subsidiary Autogrill Deutschland, has entered exclusive negotiations with Soufflet Group subsidiary Boulangerie Neuhauser to acquire 100% of food & beverage operators Le CroBag.The... more

Economy and financeBelgium company Greenyard explores acquisition of Dole Food
Today it isn't a final agreement
Belgian company Greenyard NV said on Tuesday it was in advanced negotiations to acquire Dole Food Company [DFCI.UL], the world’s largest fruit and vegetable producer, confirming a Reuters report.For D... more

CoffeeCaffitaly arrives on the Indonesian market
The agreement with Coca-Cola Amatil, one of the world's leading Coca-Cola bottlers
Caffitaly System S.p.A. announces a new a partnership for the Indonesian market with Coca-Cola Amatil (Cca), one of the world's leading Coca-Cola bottlers and one of the most important beverage producers... more